Introduction to GPU Super-computing Programming.
This 3+ hour seminar will cover the following topics:
1. What is GPU Programming
2. Scalar Processor vs. Vector Processor
3. Clustering/Clustered Computer programming
4. Vector Programming
6. OpenCL
When & where: Fri 1/14, 2 ~ 6 pm. @ E205
The HPC lab will present a paper in DATE (Design Automation and Test in Europe) — a premier conference on design automation. The title of the paper is “I2CRF: Incremental Interconnect Customization for Embedded Reconfigurable Fabrics”, and is about how to do design specialization to exploit the characteristics of application domain in the context of reconfigurable computing.
Conference website:
We are actively seeking motivated graduate students to join the very creative team.
- Research Areas
- Embedded system architecture
- Microarchitecture evaluation and optimization
- Compiler optimization (focus on backend)
- Multi-core and low-power compilation
- General-purpose GPU computing (such as CUDA)
- Neural systems engineering
- Stipend: UNIST fellowship plus Project salary (maximum allowed by the school)
- We regularly collaborate with top university labs (SNU) on cutting-edge research
- Other benefits include
- Full international travel grant on conference paper
- State-of-the-art research facilities
- On-campus dormitory and ideal research environment
Contact us if interested.
Sep. 8, Introduction to Intellectual Property and patent attorney
Speaker: Yongjoon Jeon, Taebaek Patent & Law Firm
Time and Place: 16:00-17:00, E104
Oct. 27, Engineers, Dream and Dream Big!
Speaker: Prof. Jongwon Kim, SNU
Time and Place: 16:00-17:00, E104
Two U-SURF students visit the HPC lab at UNIST for internship. During the four weeks period, students will be participating in graduate research projects, while staying in the dormitory with other U-SURF students. There are other activities including a one-day MT provided to all U-SURF participants.
Good news. Our NRF proposal on dynamic compilation for low-power computing is accepted. This is a three-year project focusing on research (as opposed to development).
Congratulations. We have two papers accepted for this year’s ACM SIGPLAN/SIGBED Conference on Languages, Compilers and Tools for Embedded Systems (LCTES) 2010. One is on Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Processor, and the other is on Cache Vulnerability.
One paper accepted for the 5th International Conference on High Performance and Embedded Architectures and Compilers (HiPEAC 2010), titled “Memory-aware Application Mapping on Coarse-grained Reconfigurable Arrays”. Congrats to authors: Y. Kim, J. Lee, A. Shrivastava, J. Yoon, and Y. Paek.