
Archive for the ‘News’ Category

WANTED: Undergraduate Study/Research Group

October 19th, 2011 Comments off

Hi ECE students at UNIST~

고성능 저전력 컴퓨팅 랩(Energy-Efficient Computing Lab)에서는 UNIST ECE 학부 2~3학년 학생들과 함께 다음 주제들에 대해 심도있게 공부해보고자 합니다. 뜻있는 학생들은 신청해주세요.

  • assembly language (ARM)
  • computer architecture (server/mobile)
  • compiler
  • virtual machine (Java, Dalvik)
  • FPGA and reconfigurable computing
  • other emerging computing technologies

CSE311 (Computer Organization) 과목을 못다 공부해서 미련이 남거나, 또는 미리 공부해보고 싶은 학생들도 환영입니다. 아니면 컴파일러나 Java Virtual Machine에 대해서 관심이 있는 학생들도 좋구요. 인턴쉽과 병행해도 되고 그와는 상관없이 그냥 부담없이 와도 됩니다.

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Toan Xuan Mai awarded a Korean government fellowship

October 13th, 2011 Comments off

Korean Student Aid Foundation grants “Love Dream Scholarship” to 8 excellent Vietnamese or Chinese graduate students selected by Korean Government from universities in Korea.

The scholarship awardees will receive maximum tuition fee according to each school.

Detailed information about the scholarship can be found here.

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Seminar today

October 13th, 2011 Comments off

Title: Super-chip architecture for future convergence applications
Speaker: Dr. Hyung Gyu Lee from Georgia Institute of Technology
Time: 5PM today (2011.10.13)
Place: EB1 E101
Note: The adviser of the speaker, Prof. Jongman Kim, may give us some introductory overview of the project that will be presented today.

This seminar will be mostly about multi-core processor architecture for future digital convergence applications.

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“Contact” feature now working

September 5th, 2011 Comments off

A new week, a new semester, and thanks heaven, next week is the Choosuk holiday (equiv to thanksgiving)!

I am happy to announce that the Contact page of this blog, which allows visitors to send messages to the lab admin, is now fixed and working fine.

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Welcome Party!

September 1st, 2011 Comments off

Welcome, New Grad Students!

Today we have a big welcoming party with faculty members, admin staff members, and all grad students. Have fun!

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Seminar by Dr. Youngsoo Shin, Thu 9/29

August 30th, 2011 Comments off

Dr. Youngsoo Shin, who is an IDEC Distinguished Lecturer, will visit ICCL, UNIST and give a talk on Thursday, Sept. 29. I’m sure his talk will be a very interesting and informative one. Please attend. This is also part of the ECE590 seminar.

Title: Heterogeneous Array of Programmable Logic: Push the Limit of Programmable Device
Time: 4 pm (yes, it’s Thursday, not Wednesday)
Place: the usual place (the classroom)

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Host name change (from hpc to

August 28th, 2011 Comments off

The host name of the homepage server will change from hpc to ICCL, reflecting the change in the lab name to Energy-efficient Computing Lab.  This will be in effect in a few days.

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Paper accepted for 18th RAW at Anchorage, Alaska

March 8th, 2011 Comments off

The HPC lab will present a new paper in the 18th Reconfigurable Architectures Workshop, which is held in a larger conference, IPDPS, May 16-19, Anchorage, Alaska, USA. It’s about how to speed up communication between a CPU and an application-specific coprocessor.

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Welcome party

March 7th, 2011 Comments off

Welcome, new members in CSE! We’ll have a welcome party today for people in CSE labs. Both newcomers and old members are welcomed.

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U-WURF successfully completed

January 28th, 2011 Comments off

Two U-WURF students have visited HPC lab for one month. Mr. Ahn explored ASIP (Application-Specific Instruction-set Processor) design approach to accelerate the speed of software-based solutions. Mr. Lee demonstrated the power of GPU computing for general computing (so called GPGPU) for two applications, ie., matrix multiplication and genetic algorithm. Congrats for successfully completing the U-WURF program. Some of the details of their research can be found in the HPC wiki.

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