겨울방학을 맞이하여, 연구참여에 관심있는 학부생 인턴을 모집합니다.
지원자격: UNIST EE 또는 CSE 학부생 (1학년 포함 4학기 이상 수료자)
연구분야: 우리 랩의 연구분야*
NPU 알고리즘 및 아키텍처 최적화
뉴로모픽 회로 및 알고리즘
NPU 컴파일러 등
우대사항: 디지털/SoC 회로설계 및 딥러닝 개발 유경험자 우대
특기사항: 원격으로도 가능
특전: 연구장학금, 대학원 진학 우대
관심있는 학생은 간단한 자기 소개와 희망 연구 분야를 이 링크를 통해 보내 주세요.
*Acknowledgement: 위 연구들은 삼성 종합기술원, 한국연구재단, ETRI (한국전자통신연구원) 및 BK (Brain Korea) 등을 통해 지원 받음.
AI 대학원 신입생들을 위하여 온라인 연구실 설명회를 12/28(월)에 가질 예정이니, 관심있는 학생들은 sign up 바랍니다.
간단히 소개하면 우리랩에서 하는 연구는 크게 3가지인데요
Neural Processing Unit (NPU)를 위한 알고리즘 및 아키텍처 최적화 연구
NPU를 위한 시스템 소프트웨어 (컴파일러) 연구
Neuromorphic 하드웨어 및 알고리즘 연구
메일 보내실때 어느 분야에 관심이 있는지도 알려주면 더 좋습니다.
설명회 일시: 12월 28일 (월) 저녁 7시
방법: zoom (sign-up 필요)
The DATE (Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference) conference is a premiere conference in the field of Electronic Design Automation. This year, we have two papers accepted for oral presentation.
Congratulations to Giju (first author), Jungi (first author), and Sugil as well as our collaborators at University of California, Irvine!
DATE 2021
We’re accepting new graduate students. Background doesn’t really matter, but it helps a lot if you are good at either
software programming (e.g., C++, advanced level in Python)
hardware design (e.g., Verilog/VHDL/SystemC development of a sizable system)
strong math or analytical thinking
or have a very good GPA from a reputable school (e.g., UNIST).
So whether you’re EE or CSE major (or something else), Please apply or contact me if you’re interested and qualified.
We’re a leading research group on edge-based AI, and our graduates go to Samsung, LG, international start-ups, etc.
We’re also recruiting undergraduate interns. Please apply!
Congratulations to Segi and other team members! We are presenting one paper to GLSVLSI ’20, titled “Architecture-Accuracy Co-optimization of ReRAM-based Low-cost Neural Network Processor.”
GLSVLSI ’20 is the 30th edition of the ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI.
DAC (Design Automation Conference) is the premiere conference and expo on design automation and embedded systems optimization.
Congratulations to Sugil and other team members! We are presenting one paper, titled “Learning to Predict IR Drop with Effective Training for ReRAM-based Neural Network Hardware.”
Congratulations to the NPRC (Neural Processing Research Center) team!
We are presenting a paper at DAC 2019 titled “Successive Log Quantization for Cost-Efficient Neural Networks Using Stochastic Computing.”
DAC (Design Automation Conference) is the premiere conference and expo on design automation and embedded systems optimization.
The RNC Lab at UNIST has four papers accepted this time to the 24th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC) , which will be held in Tokyo, Japan, in January 2019.
Congratulations to all the contributing authors, Aidyn, Daewoo, Hyeonuk, and Sugil!
We are recruiting undergraduate research interns.
Feel free to contact Hyeonuk.
Details including contact info can be found in the attached poster.