PC (Windows machine) Tips

More tips are available in HowToDocs (Log-in required).

Installing Windows

System Admin (Linux/Unix) Tips

Most of the commands in this page require privileged right (i.e., sudo).


  • to add a new user:
useradd -d /home/XXX -m XXX

passwd XXX # this command helps create a password.
  • to remove a user:


  • web server: service apache2 {restart|status|stop|start}
  • mysql server: service mysql {restart|status|stop|start}


Topic attachments
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
l-lpic1-v3-102-5-pdf.pdfpdf l-lpic1-v3-102-5-pdf.pdf manage 155 K 26 Jan 2011 - 01:55 JongeunLee RPM and YUM package management
Topic revision: r5 - 12 Jan 2016, JongeunLee
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