Lab Seminar 2019


Lab seminar
  • Time: 7pm Wednesdays
  • Place: 106-dong 511


Day Date Presenter Contents Note
1 Tue 6/18, 5pm Sugil DAC papers: Noise injection adaptation, ApproxLP, E-LSTM  
    Hyeonuk DAC papers: 41_2, SkippyNN (SC), BitBlade, ABM  
2 Wed 6/26 Jongeun DAC Tutorial 5  
3 Fri 7/12, 1pm Jun-gi SOSPCS  

Paper list

  1. (UGConv)
  2. dynamic pruning
  3. DAC
    • 41_2.pdf Acceleration of DNN Backward Propagation by Selective Computation of Gradients
    • 41_1.pdf BitBlade: Area and Energy-efficient Precision-scalable Neural Network Accelerator with Bitwise Summation
    • 41_4.pdf ABM-spConv: A Novel Approach to FPGA-based Acceleration of Convolutional Neural Network Inference
    • Noise Injection Adaption: End-to-End ReRAM Crossbar Non-ideal Effect Adaption for Neural Network Mapping
    • ApproxLP: Approximate Multiplication with Linearization and Iterative Error Control
      • How to extend it to other ranges or other types (eg, fixed-point)?
    • E-LSTM: Efficient Inference of Sparse LSTM on Embedded Heterogeneous System
    • SkippyNN: An Embedded Stochastic-computing Accelerator for Convolutional Neural Networks.
  4. SOSPCS: (TVLSI 2019 June)
    • "Self-Optimizing and Self-Programming Computing Systems: A Combined Compiler, Complex Networks, and Machine Learning Approach", Xiao et al.
Topic revision: r3 - 12 Jul 2019, JongeunLee
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