Record of Participation for CSE341 Principles of Programming Languages (Spring 2014)

Why here?

  • The black board feels just too formal
  • It's easier to access and update information here (especially for me)
  • Information here is version-controlled (you can see the history of how the contents have been changed over time)

What is the nature of the record here?

  • First I (the instructor) will keep a record of offline participation ("offline" means during class) as defined below
  • Later I may extend the scope of record keeping to discussion, project presentation, etc. (just an idea at this point)
  • The record here is not meant to be very precise/quantitative; rather, its main purpose is to acknowledge and encourage participants

What is counted as offline participation

  • Asking question(s) to the instructor
  • Answering someone else's question
  • Answering instructor's question may or may not be counted depending on the difficulty of the question and/or creativity of the answer
  • Asking questions after/before the class is not counted (as it has little value to classmates)
  • Participation during the first week is not counted (as system was not ready)
  • Participation during make-up class is counted
  • This list may be extended/updated

Record (for offline participation)

Date Notable Participation Special Note
3/10 ZumratK, JeeyeonH  
3/12 ZumratK, JeeyeonH, SeongbeomP, DoyeonL  
3/17 ZumratK, DoyeonL, SanghoonK, IkjaeK, MingyuK, JuyoungO (let me know if someone is missing in the list)
3/19 KibeomJ, KwangminK  
3/24 DoyeonL, SeongbeomP  
3/25 KibeomJ  
3/26 KibeomJ, IkjaeK, DoyeonL, JuyoungO  
3/31 KibeomJ  
4/30 KibeomJ, JeeyeonH, ZumratK

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This topic: Main > WebHome > CourseOfferings > PL2014PartRecord
Topic revision: 30 Apr 2014, JongeunLee
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